Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view
Digital ocean how to see docker ip and viewdigital ocean how to see docker ip and view
  1. #Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view download#
  2. #Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view free#

We could create a server and then set it up to have the exact same configuration as our current machine but that can be fiddly.

digital ocean how to see docker ip and view

We now have a working application, but we want to be able to deploy it. We now have a working Express application, which we can now bundle up and deploy using Docker and a Droplet server. Let's hop in there and add a line to the "scripts" block: This contains the configuration for our app. If you look in the directory now ( ls on the command line), you'll see a lonely package.json file. "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" & exit 1" You should end up with something that looks like this: package name: (digital-ocean)

#Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view free#

On the command line, let's create a directory: $ mkdir digital-oceanĪnd then move into the directory and initialize our app: $ cd digital-ocean $ npm initįeel free to hit ENTER to skip / set the default answers for all of the following questions, or add package names/descriptions if you feel like it.įor the purposes of this tutorial, we'll assume that "entry point" is left as index.js. Node Applicationįor this, we're going to create a simple Express app that serves a status endpoint for us to hit and find out if our app is running. We'll use this account later! DigitalOceanĭigitalOcean is a paid hosting service - we'll be using their $5 a month service, and we can turn it off as soon as we're done to minimize costs, but you'll need a payment method to give to DigitalOcean before using it.

#Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view download#

This unit can be deployed anywhere where Docker is installed.Ĭreate an account with Docker Hub, and download the community/desktop edition. We'll be using Docker to containerize our application into a small, easily deployable unit. But what if we'd like to share the project with the world, or our friends? Today we're going to be looking at how to deploy a Node.js app to a DigitalOcean Droplet, so that anybody on the internet can interact with it. Frameworks like Express, Sails, and Meteor have only made this easier.įollowing most tutorials on the internet means you'll be working on your local machine with a local project. JavaScript has come a long way over the years, and we're now at a point where you can write and deploy a web application very easily.

Digital ocean how to see docker ip and view